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stm32F4 (and F7) USB OTG stack
I've developped a barebones USB ( OTG  ) stm32f4 stack  for embitz. It comes with mass storage, CDC and HID examples for 4 discovery boards.
Barebones means zero dependencies, thus, no CMSYS, for host device and OTG on boards that allow this.
It can be used as a library, shares the same link file among boards and exploits several ways to achieve less configurarion and lower the entropy of the project.
Althougt it can be mixed with regular CMSYS projects, it needs a little more config. Probably I will do.

For anyone interested:
Interesting. What is the approximate memory footprint for code and RAM? I ask because for some reason there are quite a number of low-end ARM micros available with USB peripherals but only 16 or 32K of FLASH and 4K RAM which I would have expected to be very limiting.

Obviously the way to find out is to build it but I havgen't used Embitz for quite a while and it would likely take me quite a while to get back into it.

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