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EBlink not installing with EmBitz 2.50

It's EBlink which can't find it.
Used environment variables by EBlink:

EB_SCRIPT_PATH      Will define the path where EBlink can find the scripts
EB_DEFAULT_PROBE    Will define the default interface [-I] option if not given on cli
EB_DEFAULT_SCRIPT  Will define the default script [-S] file if not given on cli

I don't have a clue why you are having these problems. If you know more, please share. Everything works here on my test laptop which I always use to test new installation packages.

Messages In This Thread
EBlink not installing with EmBitz 2.50 - by matsb - 15-11-2022, 01:56 PM
RE: EBlink not installing with EmBitz 2.50 - by embitz - 15-11-2022, 08:51 PM

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