Hi All,
I've been using Cube for 2+ years and while it has various problems
- buggy; needs occassional restart
- STLINK debugger connection "dies" regularly and need a USB cable reconnect
- in debug mode, opens random source files
- grabs focus so one accidentally enters keystrokes into the randomly opened source files
- is messy to set up on a new machine and import existing project
- some funny stuff running it over RDP (needs 24 bit colour, otherwise you get hundreds of weird error messages on loading)
- etc
it does work and is free. It runs on win7-64 (despite release notes saying win8+) which is important to me, and runs fine in a VMWARE VM which is also important for testing.
I would like to try out EMbitz but don't want to risk trashing my current project, which lives in c:\product_name\project1. Can the two co-exist completely? I realise that Cube has issues when editing files externally; generally this is solved by doing a Project / Clean. Cube keeps its config under c:\st and also under c:\users, with maybe a little bit in the project directory; this policy has been changing over the versions.
Does EMbitz run with STLINK V2 and V3 debuggers, and with variable speed (the ISOL versions are a lot slower)?
I run win7-64 although I do have a win10 laptop.
Thank you in advance.
I tried to edit my post but the edits disappeared, so a new post:
Does it support ITM Debug data channel?
I don't use MX but my project was originally started (by someone else) with MX to get some source code fragments.
The project uses FreeRTOS, LWIP, FatFS, MbedTLS, ST USB (CDC and MSC).
I've been using Cube for 2+ years and while it has various problems
- buggy; needs occassional restart
- STLINK debugger connection "dies" regularly and need a USB cable reconnect
- in debug mode, opens random source files
- grabs focus so one accidentally enters keystrokes into the randomly opened source files
- is messy to set up on a new machine and import existing project
- some funny stuff running it over RDP (needs 24 bit colour, otherwise you get hundreds of weird error messages on loading)
- etc
it does work and is free. It runs on win7-64 (despite release notes saying win8+) which is important to me, and runs fine in a VMWARE VM which is also important for testing.
I would like to try out EMbitz but don't want to risk trashing my current project, which lives in c:\product_name\project1. Can the two co-exist completely? I realise that Cube has issues when editing files externally; generally this is solved by doing a Project / Clean. Cube keeps its config under c:\st and also under c:\users, with maybe a little bit in the project directory; this policy has been changing over the versions.
Does EMbitz run with STLINK V2 and V3 debuggers, and with variable speed (the ISOL versions are a lot slower)?
I run win7-64 although I do have a win10 laptop.
Thank you in advance.
I tried to edit my post but the edits disappeared, so a new post:
Does it support ITM Debug data channel?
I don't use MX but my project was originally started (by someone else) with MX to get some source code fragments.
The project uses FreeRTOS, LWIP, FatFS, MbedTLS, ST USB (CDC and MSC).